e-commerce business looking for Green Bean providers or Piggy Back


New member
Mar 21, 2016
Montreal, Canada
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My store specialise in Indonesian coffee and I would like to provide beans that come from specific plantation or area.

I would like to promote Indonesia for its high grade coffee quality and make people discover Indonesia through the coffee and at the same time help remote local Indonesian sustain their villages.

  • One category of product would be Organic - Fair Trade from isolated village who sustain themselves with the plantation of coffee. I would prefer high quality green beans, but it is not an absolute as the goal is to help isolated village to sustain themselves.
  • Second category of product would be Organic superior high quality green beans for coffee passionate who know their coffee. Looking for delicate, subtle, complex flavour with that touch of taste particular for a region or plantation. High ranking review coffee.
  • Third category of product would be day to day coffee still superior to the average coffee around but not necessary as high end but to be more affordable.

For each category, I'm looking for different region of Indonesia (Open to region not in the list);
  • [FONT=arial, sans-serif]East Nusa Tenggara[/FONT]
    • Flores
  • Sumatra
    • Aceh Gayo
    • Mandheling
    • Lampung
  • Java
    • Gunung Biru
  • Bali
    • Kintamani
  • Papua
  • Sulawesi
    • Toraja

Your suggestions, business advice or market strategy are all welcome. I'm just starting and I don't necessary know exactly what I'm doing.

Thank you in advance and welcome to future business relationship!
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