Coffee Survey!


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Nov 17, 2004
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I greatly value your opinion and would like you to help me for my MBA project by answering a few quick questions. This survey should take approximately five minutes.

1. What is your current age?

2. Gender:

3. City:

4. State:

5. Please indicate your ethnicity.

Caucasian/ white
American Eskimo
Native American
African American/ Black
Pacific Islander

6. Please indicate your current annual income range?

Less than $25,000
$25,001 to $45,000
$45,001 to $65,000
Greater than $65,000

7. Do you drink coffee?

8. Do you usually drink Regular or Decaf?

9. Approximately how many years have you been a coffee drinker?

10. In order of preference, please rank these items:
(1= Most preferred 7= Least preferred)

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
Coffee you make at home
Peet's Coffee and Tea
Seattle's Best
Coffee made at your work place
Other (i.e. coffee carts and small business)

11. On average, how many cups of coffee do you consume?

One or less cups per day
2 to 3 cups per week
4 to 5 cups
6 to 7 cups
More than 7 cups

12. List all that apply for the coffee drinks that you consume most often:

Drip Coffee
Latte (plain)
Iced/ Blended drinks
Flavored Latte
Flavored Mocha

13. On average, how much you typically spend per visit at a coffee shop?

$0 -$2.00
$4.01 - $6.00
$2.01 - $4.00
More than $6.00

14. Do you feel that your coffee drinking at coffee shops has increased over the last 5 years? Yes No

15. If so, why do you think that is? List all that apply.

Work related/ Professional life
Convenience of coffee shops
Drink menu options
School/ Study activities
Social atmosphere/ meeting place
Family responsibilities
Coffee popularity

16. What season do you drink the most coffee?

Same for all seasons
1. What is your current age? early 30's

2. Gender: Male

3. City: Jax

4. State: FL

5. Please indicate your ethnicity.

Caucasian/ white X
American Eskimo
Native American
African American/ Black
Pacific Islander

6. Please indicate your current annual income range? :shock: I do O.k. :wink:
Less than $25,000
$25,001 to $45,000
$45,001 to $65,000
Greater than $65,000

7. Do you drink coffee? Lots and Lots

8. Do you usually drink Regular or Decaf? Regular

9. Approximately how many years have you been a coffee drinker? 16

10. In order of preference, please rank these items:
(1= Most preferred 7= Least preferred)

Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf:not here
Starbucks 7
Coffee you make at home: too lazy
Peet's Coffee and Tea not here
Seattle's Best not here
Coffee made at your work place 1
Other (i.e. coffee carts and small business)2

11. On average, how many cups of coffee do you consume?

One or less cups per day
2 to 3 cups per week
4 to 5 cups
6 to 7 cups
More than 7 cups X

12. List all that apply for the coffee drinks that you consume most often:

Drip Coffee X
Latte (plain)
Iced/ Blended drinks
Espresso X
Flavored Latte
Flavored Mocha
Americano X

13. On average, how much you typically spend per visit at a coffee shop?

$0 -$2.00 X
$4.01 - $6.00
$2.01 - $4.00
More than $6.00

14. Do you feel that your coffee drinking at coffee shops has increased over the last 5 years? Yes No :stayed the same....went everyday

15. If so, why do you think that is? List all that apply.

Work related/ Professional life X
Convenience of coffee shops
Drink menu options
School/ Study activities
Social atmosphere/ meeting place
Family responsibilities
Coffee popularity

16. What season do you drink the most coffee?

Same for all seasons X
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Thank you for taking the time and filling out the survey, every bit of feedback is truly important!
1. What is your current age?

2. Gender:

3. City:

4. State:

5. Please indicate your ethnicity.
Caucasian/ white

6. Please indicate your current annual income range?
$25,001 to $45,000

7. Do you drink coffee?

8. Do you usually drink Regular or Decaf?

9. Approximately how many years have you been a coffee drinker?
less than 1 year

10. In order of preference, please rank these items:
(1= Most preferred 7= Least preferred)

2 Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf
7 Starbucks
3 Coffee you make at home
4 Peet's Coffee and Tea
5 Seattle's Best
6 Coffee made at your work place
1 Other (i.e. coffee carts and small business)

11. On average, how many cups of coffee do you consume?
More than 7 cups
(per week)

12. List all that apply for the coffee drinks that you consume most often:
Drip Coffee
Other (Flavored coffee - Hazlenut, French Vanilla, etc.)

13. On average, how much you typically spend per visit at a coffee shop?
$0 -$2.00

14. Do you feel that your coffee drinking at coffee shops has increased over the last 5 years?

15. If so, why do you think that is? List all that apply.
Convenience of coffee shops

16. What season do you drink the most coffee?
Same for all seasons