Coffee Shop Owners Ideas


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Jun 15, 2021
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Hello, Im Erica and Im doing a market research and would love to hear about coffee shop owners ideas. Can you help me please? Questions are related to your coffee shop experience. Thank you very much!!!

1. What are your top daily frustrations?
2. What do you desire most?
3. What website do you visit?
4. What social media groups do you follow?
Lol...I will play along.
1. I originally said relying on others. To be honest, I really don't get frustrated about much on the job. The normal stuff. Freight shipping timeframes, market prices, and so on. I try not to stress over it because there isn't much we can do about those things. Luckily I have an amazing apprentice and we are able to navigate the day with out killing each other.
2. success
4. Facebook, instagram, TikTok,, youtube, linkedin and Telegram
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Lol...I will play along.
1. I originally said relying on others. To be honest, I really don't get frustrated about much on the job. The normal stuff. Freight shipping timeframes, market prices, and so on. I try not to stress over it because there isn't much we can do about those things. Luckily I have an amazing apprentice and we are able to navigate the day with out killing each other.
2. success
4. Facebook, instagram, TikTok,, youtube, linkedin and Telegram
Thank you😊