Coffee Shop for sale

Charlene Hohulin

New member
Dec 7, 2006
Eureka, Illinois
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I have a coffee shop for sale between Bloomington and Peoria Illinois. It is a beautiful shop with all brand new equipment one year old. I would sell as a complete unit or consider breaking it up. It started out as three of us and ended up just me. It has been great fun, but I want to spend more time with my children and grandchildren. I have lots of pictures. It's definitely a shop that has the looks and personality of a bigger city.
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coffee shop for sale

imgregrice said:
Could you post more information on your shop? I am not far from you and am currently in the market to buy an existing shop.
The coffee shop is one year old. It was a project I did with my sister and a friend. Now it's just me. Everything was brand new when we opened. It is a beautiful shop that looks like a franchise. It looks like it belongs in a larger city. i would like to sell it as a unit because its so nice, but if I don't I will break it up. I rent, so it could all be moved somewhere else. I will send pictures if you like. I don't have a price yet, but it will be reasonable. Thanks
Pictures of the shop




