coffee grown anywhere

ceres produce

New member
Mar 12, 2007
Seattle, WA, USA
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would you buy seattle grown coffee?

new york grown coffee?




(other places where coffee doesn''t normally grow) ?

reason: I am on a mission to find out if people would be happy about the idea of being able to get ANYTHING (edible), ANYWHERE, ANYTIME of the year.

hydroponics rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It could be done. Chamber kept at STP for coffee growing areas with liquid solution composed of chemicals found in soils of region you want to duplicate or whatever combination of said chemicals you choose.

Biggest problem is that most people who do hydro growing are stoners and it takes two years for coffee to produce cherries which is about 23 months and a passle of weeks longer than their attention spans. It would be nice to find a way to speed the maturation process up.

There is, however, a GM(geneticaly modified) coffee that has been produced by the Japanese and I would assume it was grown hydro. Unfortunatly they were looking for a "natural" decaf bean to avoid the costs of processing. Never really looked into it too much. Sounds like a fairly fruitless endevor.
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I am not a stoner :x and I never will be.

I'm in this for the availability of everything tasty, at anytime of the year :p

I plan to stay away from GM as long as I can, not that it isn't good.

wasn't insinuating anything just speaking from experience

The reason I mentioned the GM beans is because it means they probably already have a rig set up that you could copy should you choose to attempt to grow hydro-joe(kind mud?). There is A LOT of research that you will need to do before you get started.
Why stop with non-growing regions? Let's take this into space!

I can see the advertising campaigns now:

Boldly go where you have never gone before with a great cup of coffee from Uranus!
