We have upgraded Coffee Forums to an entire new platform that offers many new features and much better support in the future. Unfortunately the old site was running on software that was no longer supported.
The new forum is built from the ground up to fully support mobile devices and provide a much better viewing experience. We've also moved the site to a faster server and it's running on HTTPS for better security.
We've done our best to keep a similar look and feel as the old site. If there is something you are missing from the old site or you are having problems, please let us know! It will take us a few days to iron out all of the bugs.
Coffee Forums Staff
The new forum is built from the ground up to fully support mobile devices and provide a much better viewing experience. We've also moved the site to a faster server and it's running on HTTPS for better security.
We've done our best to keep a similar look and feel as the old site. If there is something you are missing from the old site or you are having problems, please let us know! It will take us a few days to iron out all of the bugs.
Coffee Forums Staff
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