coffee degassing process? For FASTEST method?


New member
Jul 26, 2016
Hi All -

I dont have a formal education or frankly any education on running a coffee roasting company. My education is mostly Youtube :-)

My little coffee company is doing about 500 KG per month.

After roasting we put the beans into 2KG ZIP-LOCK bags. We stick a VERY thin straw in one end of the ZIP-LOCK to allow the gas to escape.

How do large coffee roasting companies DE-GASS large quantities of coffee after roasting?

Do you buy equipment or containers from a specific website?

Im trying to learn how to degass coffee quickly as possible.

Any and all comments and advice would be awesome!!!!

You can buy one way valved bags. If you want...quickest was to de-gas coffee is grind it. Why are you wanting to de-gas quickly? Is it for packaging purposes? If so if you have a one way valve you do not have to wait..bag will not blow up and pop. Lets gas out and no air in. Hope this helps.
. 20171109_092850.webp20171109_092914.webp
Part of our business model is we vacuum pack 25 or 50 gram bags. In Japan coffee is mostly sold as 100gram bags and then we divide this into 4 vacuum sealed bags (25 or 50 grams each). Then we put into a large Zip-lock bag. These little 25 Gram vacuum bags leak and are no longer vacuum sealed.

Japanese love dark roasted coffee. many of our customers demand French Roast and beyond which is very oily. As you know oily coffee can become rancid. So vacuum packing prevents the oily coffee from going rancid.

You can buy one way valved bags. If you want...quickest was to de-gas coffee is grind it. Why are you wanting to de-gas quickly? Is it for packaging purposes? If so if you have a one way valve you do not have to wait..bag will not blow up and pop. Lets gas out and no air in. Hope this helps.
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I tend to think the words "coffee" and "fast" might not should not be found in the same sentence. Some things just have to happen in due time.


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