coffee concession questions please help newb


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Oct 13, 2012
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ok so i am trying to build a comprehesive thoughtful buisness plan including coffee drinks, and possibly gelato out of a concession trailer. i think the trailer is the best option for be because i have a mixed use commercial property with a large patio that i can use for my "base of operations" and also cater to farmers markets and events. equip. cost, first off i need to know the cost of coffee wholesale, how much coffee is actually needed for one cup, mainly just figures to input for a buisness plan to see if it would be lucrative and worth my time. so if anyone would be kind enough to help out a newb it would be greatly appreciated. any info or comments will help i have just started my research.
thank you
I am not in the business but a quick search turned up this...

2.25 gallons per 1 lb.

and the beans I found online varied between $6 - $12 a pound. I am not sure about the quality or how this is inline with other vendors prices. I am sure if you buy in larger amounts you will get better deals but you will have to look around. I am thinking that it will take a lot of testing though to find the perfect coffee. I know that it can be very lucrative and I would encourage you.

One thing that I thought about was including your estimated condiment per cup in your prices. I know this is how it is done in the restaurant business so I am not sure why it would not be done with coffee. Please keep us updated I would very much like to hear how it turns out.
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Great thank you for the useful information it is much appreciated. If you happen to run across any good websites or links that have applicable data/info on pricing/markiting ideas/equip or vendors/roasters around the northern California area that you would like to share or that you think might help that would help as well I am very interested in the possibility's and thank you for the encouragement.
Thank you
No problem and I will keep my eye out for you and bring back anything I can! Best of luck to you and I love the fact that you are going out there and doing it, I think that being an entrepreneur is awesome! I miss main street and the opportunities we traded for the big box stores.

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