coffee bean oils and acne



I just started to work at a coffee bar and roasterie not too long ago. I've noticed since I started that my skin has broken out really bad and was wondering if anyone knows anything about the oils and grounds in relation to acne. The only thing that I can think of is that my skin must be sensative to the oils released after roasting. If anyone has any info I'd appreciate it thanx.
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coffee causes acne in some!

yes, i know what you're talking about. for some reason, my skin is very sensitive to caffeine --- and according to my dermo, it's not uncommon for some people to break out after drinking coffee. instead of the bean oils, it's the caffeine that's most likely making your skin flare up.
i love coffee and have to drink decaf. UGH. try an experiment (like i did) - cut out caffeine/coffee for awhile and see how your skin responds. good luck! :)