coffee and sex


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Oct 7, 2005
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This morning i was listening to the radio and i heard something i would like to find out is true or not. If you drink coffee are you more likely to ahve sex then someone who doesn't drink coffee? I think it is accutlly true though, if you drink coffee i think you have more sex, as my friends all tell me who are fellow coffee adicts :grin: . Well tell me your idea on this situation.
Dunkin Donuts sponsored some research - I saw it in either the NY Times or Wall Street Journal - about the relationship between coffee and sex. It was market research not sociological research meaning it was based on self-reported data rather than observation.

Dunkin concluded that coffee drinkers have more sex than non-coffee drinkers. They are going to be using that in adversiting especially around college campuses.

My interpretation of the data, given the methodology of self-reported data, is the coffee drinkers are more likely to overstate their sexual activity. Case in point "Five times in one night." With another person? Those big wrists are from tamping espresso. Sure they are.
javahill said:
My interpretation of the data, given the methodology of self-reported data, is the coffee drinkers are more likely to overstate their sexual activity. Case in point "Five times in one night." With another person? Those big wrists are from tamping espresso. Sure they are.

ROFLMBO! :lol:
funnydog said:
This morning i was listening to the radio and i heard something i would like to find out is true or not. If you drink coffee are you more likely to ahve sex then someone who doesn't drink coffee? I think it is accutlly true though, if you drink coffee i think you have more sex, as my friends all tell me who are fellow coffee adicts :grin: . Well tell me your idea on this situation.
I have heard that there were special studies and it was found that yes, coffee influences on sexual activity.
Wow! And I thought I was joining a coffee forum! Perhaps it's not a matter of how much sex coffee people have as it is about the quality of sex they are having.....? Seems to me that the added energy, and overall vitality of coffee folk might have a "step up" on the less caffeinated.