Coffee and acne???

maybe , but organic acids are in eveything we eat and drink, we could just stop eating and drinking :lol:
Yes, and in fact i read somewhere that coffee has some 2000 to 3000 compounds. Out of these 1000 have been identified, and the remaining are unknown. This is the case for nearly all foods we eat, so we still don't know what we are eating!! :?
its not that we do not know whats in coffee its just that coffee contains so many different sulphur compounds at undectable levels,
There is sulfur in eggs, cabbages, cheese, fish, mushrooms, nuts, beans,... etc. We need some sulfur to help maintain healthy hair, nails, and skin. (It also prevents dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis.) So why pick on coffee?
depends what sulphur compounds u are talking about, but coffee is so hard to replicate because it contains hundreds of sulphur compounds, which is quite unique, this is also y coffee is so unstable , y do think people always rave about fresh coffee? compared to instant? because fresh coffee has the right compounds (which are very unstable) ,
What do you mean by "unstable"? I'm starting to lose what you are getting at. I'm one of them raving people ... I luv fresh caffeinated coffee. I agree coffee has the right compounds, by definition! But from where are you getting (or seem to be getting) that coffee's "instability" (whatever you mean by that) is coming from the sulfurs in it? .... BTW, i read somewhere that sulfur is used to treat some forms of acne (the subject at hand)---but i wouldn't put my hand on the Bible on that one.
Ooooops! That last "Guest" reply (Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:18 am) was made by me, Sam.
there is "sulfur" and compounds that contain sulphur in their structure, 2 different things, coffee contains chemicals that have sulfur groups (these types of compounds are unstable) , when i say unstable i mean fresh coffee beans have a good flavour but if left open to the air then flavour degrades quickly (thus the unstable compounds).
Hydrogen sulfide (rotton egg smell) u find in natural mud , Mud baths :)

this is good for skin problems but stinks
We seem to be in agreement. When i said sulfur i meant in compound
form, of course, since it usually comes mixed up in molecular form. When i was a boy we use to color Easter eggs and leave them out in the open for a looong time. When i opened one a swarm of worms came running out, not to mention an aweful stench. (And they were not small.) This should be my last response on this thread, nice talking to you.
From what I can tell, the only link between coffee and acne is dehydration. I'm wondering if having a nice tall glass of water along with that french vanilla of mine would cancel out that effect. After all, it all goes down to the liver right? If it doesn't get detoxified, you get breakouts, and dehydration prevents detoxification.
coffe and acne

I really don't think that its the acid content in coffee that will give one acne. It is the caffiene which puts your body in a state of stress, the hormones and adrenaline rush assosiated with stress could give a person acne.