Code Element Iframe


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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In my website builder, there's an option to enter an Iframe into a web page. Any website can be entered into an Iframe; blogs, wordpress, an internet forum, even the page it's in for a weird dual effect. That would be utter nonsense though. I put my cafepress store into an Iframe, directly into my website, so customers don't have to leave my actual website to view and order my custom items at

I think that's pretty cool...........

Check it out:
Yes, it does look pretty good.

I don't know if it is possible but it would be nice to change the background color of your CafePress shop to match the color of your website? I think that would look even better.
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You're right, it would have been better if I could change the background, but I'd actually have to change theirs as its not my website in the Iframe.

Unfortunately, I just realized that some of the links in their website didn't function within my Iframe, so I deleted the page. What good is an Iframe if the links within the site don't function properly?