cimbali m3 superbar 2


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May 6, 2005
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We just got this machine for our office and no nothing about it. Can we use Lavazza espresso pods with it? Or do we need to use something else? HELP.
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The owner got it for our office... not sure where he purchased it. It looks like an impressive machine. For someone who just likes drinking coffee but knows nothing about these machines... any tips, tricks or advice for us? Is it easy to use?
Its simple to use, press the button for single, double, or tripple. For milk either select froth or steam. Make sure they clean once a day. And pray it never breaks. This big boy can be costly to fix. That must be one big office. If I remember right the M3S2 is rated around 340 shots an hour. Have fun!
What training? It’s a PHD machine (Push Here Dummy)! The only thing you need to do with this guy is make sure you have a water filtration and softening system and that you run a cleaning tablet at the end of the day. Oh make sure you wipe off the steam arms after each use. Other then that no training required!

Now I do recommend you have a good service tech on hand to do the preventive maintenance and any servicing. But none of that should be done by the end user.