Cheap ways to remove coffee stains from your clothes


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Nov 26, 2013
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I used to stain my clothes a lot earlier by spilling coffee on myself (Gosh, I used to be so clumsy when I was a teenager :roll:). I think these few tips which I’m sharing will help people to get rid of those stubborn coffee stains from their clothes without the help of costly commercial stain removing products. So, here are my few simple tips –

:check: Use Egg Yolk, Alcohol, and Water
Add yolk of 1 egg in a little bowl of water. Warm the water and add few drops of alcohol in it. Mix the solution, thus made, and apply it on the stain using a sponge. Rub it with gentle pressure until the stain fades away.

:check: Use Baking Soda

You can also use baking soda to remove the stains by sprinkling it on the wet stained clothes of yours, rubbing it with any dishcloth, or sponge, gently and rinsing the clothes with cold water.

:check: Use White Vinegar in Water

Add 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to 1 quart of water. Mix them and use a sponge to rub the solution on the stained area.

I have tried all these three tips on my own and found them pretty good substitutes for commercial stain removers. :cool:
Please share your tips too if you know some.
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In my opinion, all the three methods are equally strong for removing the stains from white cotton shirt (though not as strong as any commercial stain remover is). I would prefer baking soda method because I have got a lot of it in my house. :p

It is not impossible to remove coffee stain. However, it should be noted that the moment a person spills the coffee (or tea) he must treat the stain at once.
Ok this is professional advise. When you have coffee stains on your clothes, it is pretty easy to remove if clothes are white cotton shirt.
Just use chlorine Beach and wash it.
If they are colored shirts or delicate washable fabric, use liquid oxyclean. Do not use extra strength normal oxy clean but liquid form. Spray the area with oxy clean and leave it for about 45min to about an hour. This can work with any type of fabric.

Problem with method above,

Alcohol can damage any type of silk, rayon and acetate fabric.
Baking soda is type of slow acting bleach but will damage delicate wool if left in for long period of time
Vinegar is also acetic agent and it can also damage acetate if not used correctly.

There are tons of good home use safe product that can work well. Why risk of using something that can damage your clothes or not improve the condition.

Color safe bleach like oxy clean is type of "oxygen bleach" they are cheap and very useful to have at home.
Google it and purchase small amount and use it instead of chlorine beach.
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Hey CoffeeJunky, thanks for adding up your comment. Alcohol, Vinegar, and Baking soda, these items are very old and have been used in most of the houses to remove the stains of coffee from the clothes. I would love to use new methods which are told by you CoffeeJunky.
Its not that difficult to figure things out when you apply chemistry.
If you have grease stain, don't just wash it. Apply little liquid dish washing soap can take the grease stain out.
If you have blood stain on your bed sheet, put little bit of amonia and rub it to break the blood down and wash it.
If you have candle wax on your table cloth, remove as much as you can with your hand. And melt the wax first using anything hot and apply liquid dish washing soap to remove grease left behind.

There are many things you can use to remove stain on your clothes easily.