Caffeine trends research project


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Oct 27, 2015
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Good Afternoon (UK time) coffee lovers!:coffeemug:

I am currently conducting a study into the trends in caffeine depending on environment and factors in our lives such as work, activity and stress. I have procured results as advised from a national health forum and after getting some rather negative results I have realised that I may be gathering biased information from that site.

Contrary to the belief that all us Brits only drink tea I can confirm that there are many of us coffee addicts in the UK hence the research project I have been set.

Would you guys be able to help me out and take two minutes out of your day to complete the survey on the below link? It is literally 5 questions and would be helping me out massively.

Change of plan! It seems I cannot post with a link until I have posted 5 times or more, if you could copy and paste the below into your reply and answer accordingly that would be great, I am so sorry for the inconvenience and I hope you still find time to complete this for me :)

How many hours sleep do you get on an average night?
How many caffeinated drinks do you consume per day?
Do you feel that you dependant on caffeine?
What does your average day entail?
Why do you drink caffeinated drinks?

I would be ever so grateful.

Kindest Regards
Katy Hansbury
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How many hours sleep do you get on an average night? : 5 to 5 1/2 hrs
How many caffeinated drinks do you consume per day? : 3 coffees and one energy drink
Do you feel that you dependant on caffeine? : never know.... never stop drinking and never had the withdrawal.
What does your average day entail? : work + work out + study
Why do you drink caffeinated drinks? : i like the taste and give me extra boost physically and mentally.

hopefully, this helps. if you need some more info, just let me know.
How many hours sleep do you get on an average night? 8-9
How many caffeinated drinks do you consume per day? 1-2
Do you feel that you dependant on caffeine? Yes
What does your average day entail? 9am wakeup, coffee + devotional reading + classical music, 11pm putz w/ coffee for a couple hours; packaging green coffee / roasting for customers / roasting samples, 1pm check emails/surf, 2pm lunch, 3pm nap, 4pm sit down w/ a book and a cigar.
Why do you drink caffeinated drinks? Caffeine gives a pleasant boost physically and mentally.
How many hours sleep do you get on an average night? 7.5 hour
How many caffeinated drinks do you consume per day? 6 to 9 16 oz cups of coffee a day week days and 2 cups a day on the weekends
Do you feel that you dependant on caffeine? not at all
What does your average day entail? Weekdays-wake, go to work, go home hang out with family then bed. Weekends-Family time and relax
Why do you drink caffeinated drinks? Its my job and partly routine...been doing this as long as I can remember.

I would be ever so grateful.

Kindest Regards
Katy Hansbury
Hope this helps...before anyone gives me grief for my coffee consumption... I also drink mass amounts of water. I learned my lesson years ago.