Caffeine Allergy?


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Aug 28, 2008
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Hello. the purpose of this thread is to educate potential at-risk caffeine addicts and to further educate myself... Maybe even get some guidance. So, let''s begin: I''m almost 22yrs old and I almost ruined my life with a caffeine addiction. Here''s what happened: I dropped out of high school, have been diagnosed with several mental illnesses (such as, a form of schizophrenia), previously medicated with anti-psychotics and antidepressants, and furthermore, I''m on a disability pension, no friends, rarely go outside during the day, and my symptoms still persist (though, it''s not as bad as it used to be... I quit drinking caffeine 3 weeks ago, so I''m still recovering).

The coffee drinking started when I was 15-16yrs old. At that time, I started weightlifting and reading a lot of info on this subject. I read somewhere that caffeine was a great way to improve results by increasing the amount of weight used and repetitions completed. It worked and it was great - I loved the feeling and the results. I did go through a little bit of research and mostly learned about the benefits... Anyway, it seemed like everyone drank caffeine, so how dangerous could it be. Never saw it coming!

When I turned 17, I joined my school''s football team and met some new so-called friends, started partying, smoking, using drugs/alcohol, and drinking more caffeine. It was great in the beginning; I was on the honor roll (sometimes, depending what courses I took - math and creative arts were my favorite), only experimenting with different sorts of drugs, and meeting a lot of new people. On a daily basis, I would drink alcohol (in moderation), smoked, and drank tons of coffee... At times, I even supplemented with caffeine pills.

Now, don''t get me wrong - the drug/alcohol did have negative effects on my mental health, however, I believe that caffeine had the worst effect, because long after I stopped everything else, I still used caffeine.

I dropped out of society, because I was experiencing symptoms of schizophrenia (delusion, hallucinations, paranoia, etc) and my plan was to take a break from everything and get better. Things only got worse and the caffeine drinking persisted.

You see, an allergy to caffeine is quite deceitful, because the caffeine acts as an agent that causes a condition or damage, but at the same time, it acts as the antidote for those symptoms. So, in a way, it masks the effects of the damage and this is why it''s so dangerous.

Mental illness doesn''t run in my family as it does for most people whom are diagnosed.

My moment of weakness: yesterday, after not drinking (caffeine) for almost a month, I had a cup (and told myself that it was a sort of experiment). It felt pretty good, but my symptoms intensified and today I was woken up by severe chest pains.

Oh yeah, I should probably mention that I was drinking toxic (!!!) amounts of caffeine before I stopped. It was insane, I wouldn''t sleep for 2-3 days and I sometimes felt like I was gonna die.

Honestly, I don''t know what to do and I''m running out of options. Like I said, I quit everything, I''m eating much, much healthier and... I''m just trying to do everything I can to repair my damaged brain. I have seen doctors, but there''s really not much they can do, besides prescribing medication... No thank you!

[/url] If you''ve gone through something...e like this. Thanks for reading, Patrick S.
You take everything to the extreme. Remember, toxic amounts of anything can send you to an early grave…. Heck, even toxic amounts of water can overburden your kidneys and cause kidney failure.

My advice is to read up on macrobiotics and stay off not only caffeine, but also alcohol, drugs and refined sugars. Try to incorporate more whole foods into your diet. Also search for books by Michio Kushi.

This is an excerpt from wikipedia and seems to relate to your symptoms:

Yin and yang content of foods

Macrobiotic eating follows the principle of balance (called balancing yin and yang in China).

Macrobiotics holds that some foods are overstimulating and can exhaust the body and mind. These are classified as extreme YIN (stimulating) in their effects:

• Sugar
• Alcohol
• Honey
• Coffee
• Chocolate
• Refined flour products
• Very hot spices
• Drugs
• Chemicals and preservatives
• Commercial milk, yogurt and soft cheeses
• Poor quality vegetable oils

There's a proper balance for everyone, depending on genetics, their surroundings and the climate they live in, male & female, young & old, short & tall. Find your balance. Private message me if you'd like more info on macrobiotics, I have tons.
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True, but as with a lot of things, the body adapts and develops a tolerance. As this happened, I would gradually increase the dose for the same desirable effects that I was getting from a smaller dose. Originally, I started off by following the instructions on the coffee container and making a typical cup of coffee.

I did take it to an extreme, but that was after I started to lose it. I'm not sure when I started to develop a sensitivity to the stuff... I heard, it usually happens after the body has been overloaded.

I will take your advice, thank you.
Caffeine addiction
In this article, we are going to discuss the importance of caffeine addiction and the most important facts ictions in the world, just like cocaine and marihuana. Caffeine addiction sometimabout it, as caffeine addiction is something we all must prevent in order for us to be healthy and stay that way for years. We are also going to mention some significant facts about caffeine effects and how caffeine effects may affect our body performance considerably.
Caffeine addiction is one of the most famous types of addes has been considered a lie, but it is a really, because caffeine is a stimulant that becomes addictive within a certain period of time. Interestingly, caffeine addiction shows up when you are not expecting it, and it does not necessarily show up because we want to.

Pure caffeine is, chemically speaking, a plant-based alkaloid that stimulates the central nervous system in any living creature that intakes it. Biologically, caffeine serves as a form of pest control for certain plants like cacao trees, coffee shrubs, yuba mate and tea trees; it causes insects and other pests to fall down from the effects of over-stimulation. So, just like those pests and insects that I mentioned, caffeine also produces stimulation in our central nervous system, which usually makes us feel more energized, invigorating and active.

There is something called caffeine withdrawal, which refers to the sudden denial of us to consume caffeine, and it happens when regular consumers of caffeinated products may experience painful headaches if the body is denied caffeine. These headaches are caused by excess blood gathering in the area around the brain and sinus cavities, so without the stimulation provided by caffeine, the blood vessels shrink, restricting the blood flow. The traditional cure for caffeine withdrawal is to ingest more caffeine, which is not a healthy solution and this is also why many headache medications contain small amounts of caffeine. You can more information for the Caffeine addiction in:
It does sound like you have a caffeine allergy. It happens when you drink way too much coffee and your body starts gaining a tolerance to it. Eventually with enough caffeine in your system your body [organs] start to absorb even the smallest amounts of caffeine and releasing it, causing unpleasant reactions. Such as those you described. Many people who have been diagnosed with ADD ADHD Schizophrenia and Bi- Polar disorder are individuals who had a caffeine allergy. It has no known cure or medication as of now.. Except to STOP DRINKING IT, or eating it. Even in chocolate. It acts as a toxin in your brain and it can be fatal.

I recently started getting theses symptoms, hallucinations pressure everywhere, palpitations, dizziness nausea. I realized it was the caffeine. Just stop drinking it and eating it read up on what products contain it. It sucks, but it's sane, or insane. Life or death.
Caffeine is a drug that is universally consumed. It can be traced in a number of beverages for instance tea, coffee, cola-flavored carbonated soft drinks and in products containing chocolate. Caffeine is also found in diverse carbonated beverages and is a component of several readily available drugs for treating headache, cold, allergy, pain relief, and pills that are consumed for remaining awake. The over agitation caused by the mind is called as caffeine allergy! Unlike many allergies, caffeine allergy is related to character of a person.
A person becomes allergic to caffeine when his caffeine intake increases and so does his tolerance to caffeine. As a result, excessive caffeine in the body can bring about allergic reactions to caffeine. When this happens even a small amount of caffeine is rapidly absorbed by the nerves and organs in the body and trigger the disorder.

Caffeine allergy or intolerance to caffeine affects many people worldwide. However, many are not aware of this condition and may blame the symptoms of caffeine allergy to other factors.

"Drug Rehab" URL Deleted by PinkRose
caffeine makes people happier and less depressed? Caffeine affects chemicals in the brain just like any other drug. Depression, for some, is due to chemicals imbalances of serotonin and dopamine. Caffeine sparks up neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine and makes them come alive. Neurotransmitters are what make nerve cells communicate and when they are affected by caffeine, they respond faster. Since they are able to act faster, the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine helps with short-term memory. Many find that when they drink coffee they become more alert and able to concentrate better and that is because of this process.
Hi, It reminds me work of Ruth Whalen, and her book Caffeine allergy Toxic dementia...

If U are interested in more research regarding how allergies develop, go to according to this iranian physician, allergy is over-activation of histamine caused by dehydration, because histamine apparently regulates water in the body. And caffeine is diuretic that dehydrates. What is interesting caffeine also prolongs action of adrenaline which is very strong antihistamine. So.. coffee causes allergies and simultanously attenuates allergy symptoms with it's adrenaline actions.

take care
The coffees stimulating effects the allergic symptoms are masked. Coffee consumption increases the adrenaline found in the body. Epinephrine is used to halt allergic reaction and with the combined stimulate effect can product delusions. Some of the byproducts created by the breakdown of adrenaline by the human body can produce the same symptoms of schizophrenia.
It will seem like you've got a caffeine allergy. It takes place whenever you drink a significant amount of coffee as well as your body begins attaining a ability to tolerate it. Eventually with sufficient caffeine in your body the body [organs] begin to absorb the littlest levels of caffeine and delivering it, leading to uncomfortable responses. For example individuals you referred to. Many those who have been identified with ADD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Schizophrenia and Bi- Polar disorder are people who were built with a caffeine allergy. It's no known cure or medication by now.. Except to prevent Consuming IT, or eating it. Even just in chocolate. It functions like a contaminant inside your brain also it can be fatal.
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Thanks for sharing your story -- sounds awful. I went through severe caffeine withdrawal back in 2006 and before I knew that's what it was, I thought I was dying, the symptoms were so painful. Now reading your story it looks like I had it easy. Hope things have improved for you since you posted this.

Hi Patrick

I'm writing an article about caffeine addiction - if you're interested in being interviewed get in touch. It can be anonymous quotes.