Building Supplies - Doors & Service Windows


New member
Jul 3, 2007
Sneads Ferry, NC
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Hi all,

I am searching for an exterior door (preferably steel) with an opening cut in for a window AND a service window (preferably sliding) that can be installed within a door. This will be used as a drive-up service window.

I can't be the ONLY person who has ever need to install a sliding window into an exterior door.

Not looking for anything fancy like bullet proof glass or electrically controlled sliding.

Any advice, info, ideas or links to vendors or manufacturers will be greatly appreciated!

From my carpenter experience (I am a Union Commercial Carpenter by day and a coffee roaster/webmaster by night) you will need a very wide door to do this. A standard 36" door will only give you a window about 16" wide at the largest if you want it to slide sideways.
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Well, it is going in to an existing door frame. The door that is in there now has a 9 pane window in it (much larger than 16 inches wide). I am not really worried about the width of the serving area...16 inches would be sufficient (drive thru is not our main serving area, we are providing it as a courteousy to a very specific portion of our customer base). My problem is in locating a window that is in a casing thin enough to held within the thickness of a door.

Any ideas???