In response to what appears to be another GEN 'Z' presumption comment without thinking, namely: 'Yeah, yeah, yeah... yada, yada, yada, please read the following:
I apologize given my intention was not to offend someone that is a member of the forum much less was my intention to 'SPAM' the forum. Quite the contrary, my main goal is to possibly contribute to the forum where/when I am able, no more, no less. While talk is CHEAP, many would strongly disagree with those like yourself who are quick to judge and presume everyone on this earth must have an ulterior motive based on reading a comment posted (no different than hearsay) by or about someone they don't know. In reality, you are so wrong. Unfortunately, while there exist a plethora of charlatans online and elsewhere who spend the majority of their time focusing on ways to further their own agenda and get paid to do so, I can assure you I am not one of them! You should really take a moment to peruse my website and you will quickly find out I am not attempting to sell, ask, or convince anyone to purchase any product/service other than hopefully educate and share with other espresso coffee aficionados what I have come to learn over the past 20 plus years to help them save time and money making their own espresso/espresso-based coffee beverages rather than spend/waste significant time/money patronizing places like Starbucks. I should also add that I am not presently employed nor have I ever been affiliated, involved in the coffee industry in any manner, shape, or form other than drinking/brewing traditional coffee and espresso as a hobby. BTW, I am presently retired and formerly worked in a professional capacity in the building construction profession. I am also a lifetime Purdue alumnus with a masters degree in mechanical engineering but you knew that already because you are apparently clairvoyant and have ESP. Once again, sorry to have ruffled your feathers! Last but not least, I stand corrected regarding the demographic age of what I had believed to be the majority of espresso/espresso-based coffee drinkers. Based on further investigation/statisics, I believe it to be Millennials (Gen'Y') not Gen 'X'.