Breville Dose Control vs Dose Control Pro


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May 5, 2023
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I just received my Dose Control Pro. I'm pretty disappointed.

A friend lent me her Dose Control (BCG400) and it was fantastic. I had an opportunity to get a Pro and I jumped on it.

When I received it, I used the same coffee beans and the same grinding settings. However...
  • The 400 takes 15 seconds to grind the amount I need. The 600 did 2/3 the amount in 120 seconds... If not more
  • The 400 produces great flavor. The 600 was so thin and watery that I threw it out
  • The 400 produces powdery-like coffee. The 600 is more coarse, which I suspect causes the foul taste
Aside from the fancy electronics, I thought both machines were identical.

If someone knows what could be causing the disparity between the two, please let me know.


Truth be told no two grinders will really be identical in function. Typical of Breville it could be burr calibration more than any other variable. The 'Pro' tag put on some items isn't deserving by any means.
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Thanks for the reply. To me the Pro didn't mean anything other than the ability to control the grinding time for a single shot.

What I'm struggling with is whether my item is defective, whether there are some settings I should be tweaking or something else.

My two main problems are:

- nothing is coming out of the chute, or barely nothing
- the quality of the grain is much coarser for the same grinding setting. I'm not sure whether it's the cone setting inside the unit or something else. And since nothing is coming out, I don't know where to start looking

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Yes the Pro is new. And I'm happy to say that I managed to figure it out. The same setting on the Pro and the... uhm... non-Pro is too fine. So when I set it on 4 on the 600, nothing comes out of the chute. It seems to be too fine for the grinder. When I set it on 15, I got something that is pretty close to what I was getting with the 4 setting on the 400.

So I think I've solved it and I'm a happy camper now.

