Best way to graph profiles?


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Mar 23, 2015
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Hey guys, just trying to find a good way to graph roast profiles on the computer. Tried using Mac's "Pages" and the charts, but it's pretty tedious and doesn't produce great results. Having a hard time marking events like first crack or "drying" as well.

Any suggestions?
Hi jsab, i am using self created table by recording details in a roasting progress like; set temp, beans drop temp, drying duration vs time, 1st crack temp vs time, etc and beans out temp vs time. From these data and cupping of the roasted coffee, i used them as a guide line to follow or refine the future roast of the same batch of coffee. And all these data are safe keep in my pc for easy references. Not sure this is the format to go with but afterall, I am still exploring and have lots to learn from experienced coffee roasters in this fou
Theres automation software out there to do it if you have thermocouples, but if not, a simple excel sheet could easily draw you an accurate graph by way of manual entry. Create a spreadsheet with the first column being time, intervals of .30 sec for say 20 mins and the row adjacent will be the recorded temp at said interval so it's look like |6:30|170F|. Record data every 30 seconds. Your first reading would be your drop temp, last reading would be dump temp. Along the way note down where 1st crack, second crack, air-flow changes, etc. happen and highlight the cells accordingly.

When you're done, highlight all of the cells, and have excel draw a graph based on the data for you. Thats how I would do it.
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Cropster software works quite well, allowing you to actively see your RoR and it also lets you set reference curves of profiles so that you can use those as a backdrop so see if you are on track as far as matching a profile. Its not cheap software, but there aren't many others out there and none with as much functionality as Cropster.