Avatar Size Concern


New member
Oct 4, 2007
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Can we get a little order in here?
Avatars are getting out of control.
What's to prevent anyone from linking an avatar
that fills the whole browser window?
Could someone implement a max. size requirement?
I resize my pics in Paint to reasonable dimensions.
Everyone's got Paint, right? Use it.

:D :D :D
I think you right and they are getting out of control. I don't like avatars anyway and think that the gist of them here are more of distraction then anything. Setting a size restriction and no animated would be my preference.
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A member with "shadow" in his name could potentially
use one of these reasonably sized examples:


Just foolin' around.
Thanks to the administration for the op.
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It lets members add a personal touch to their profile, that's why I like them.
Avatars can be distracting, due to size. No animated though, regardless of size.

I'd gladly trade in my avatar priviledges for one of these spiffy banners: