Anything I should definitely not steam?


New member
Dec 14, 2021
Pennsylvania, USA
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I have a two group Astoria and have been having a lot of success with my specialty drinks. I am fairly religious about keeping the steam wand clean: purging it before I steam anything and again afterwards, ensuring that the wand is clear of residue. I have steamed chai mixed with milk (both dairy and non-dairy) and had no problems. I have steamed eggnog and cream. I am curious if there is anything that most definitely should NOT steam. I ask this specifically because I am considering a Golden Milk recipe that has milk + honey with some other spices and the steaming would probably help mix the ingredients. If I do steam more complicated beverages are there specific cleaning protocols?
Wouldn't be the least bit concerned... when I ran a commercial setup just made it a habit to keep things cleaned/flushed, occasionally submerge the wand tips in very hot (steamed) water for a bit to loosen any deposits and periodically remove the tips to be sure those areas had no buildup and soak/rinse the tips if needed. Biggest problem is when the user doesn't do any sort of flushing/wiping after every use and those deposits build up quickly.
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Wouldn't be the least bit concerned... when I ran a commercial setup just made it a habit to keep things cleaned/flushed, occasionally submerge the wand tips in very hot (steamed) water for a bit to loosen any deposits and periodically remove the tips to be sure those areas had no buildup and soak/rinse the tips if needed. Biggest problem is when the user doesn't do any sort of flushing/wiping after every use and those deposits build up quickly.
Thanks for the info. This was my assumption and I appreciate having it confirmed by someone with experience.