Any suggestions on the strongest coffee around?


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Feb 25, 2014
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People say one cup of coffee a day keeps the idiots away, at least until the caffeine has subsided haha. Anyone care to share any insight on how many cups of joe people should take in order to stay awake and focused for the whole entire day? I'm working on so many projects, theres just not enough hours in a day :(

By strong do you mean flavor or caffeine? It's never a good idea to use coffee to stay awake, especially if you have a job that demands alertness. Just like other drugs, when the caffeine ears off, you crash, and it may not be at the best time. Light roast had more caffeine; dark roast has more flavor.

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Have you heard of "Death Wish Coffee"? It contains 200% more caffeine. You should search it. It claims to be the world's strongest (highly caffeinated) coffee ever.
Have you heard of "Death Wish Coffee"? It contains 200% more caffeine. You should search it. It claims to be the world's strongest (highly caffeinated) coffee ever.

I always wondered about what it really means when someone says "strong Coffee" If you want high caffeine level is one thing but most of the people actually talking about the taste. I would try Italian Roast or Very Dark roast if you are looking for bold flavor. But if you are looking for high caffeine content, go to the local roaster and ask if they have such. Many roasters can deliver what you are looking for. Or go to the roaster in upstate new york and get the "Death Wish" coffee.
I agree, check out

I've never had it, but I've heard from many others that it's gnarly. I might try it one day here... but I haven't worked up the courage quite yet.
Death wish is Robusta. I sell a few coffees(100% specialty grade arabica) that we add caffeine to it. We sell a boat load at our FSU location. It increases the caffeine by 50% per cup..
[h=2][/h]Biggby Red Eye coffee - This drink will certainly help with those red eyes. Biggby Red Eye is espresso combined with normal drip coffee, and can really get your motor running. The growing Midwest franchise carries several heart-pumping varieties, so you don't have to choose just one.
Indeed! a cup of coffee is enough but for me death wish coffee is the strongest one because it has more caffeine. :coffee:

For me, a cup of coffee is enough to make me awake all day. Vietnamese coffee is very strong with Robusta. You can make a mix of Robusta and Arabica to have a good cup.
Strongest coffee you say, i bet you have never herd of it before have a look at it!
www .
People say one cup of coffee a day keeps the idiots away, at least until the caffeine has subsided haha. Anyone care to share any insight on how many cups of joe people should take in order to stay awake and focused for the whole entire day? I'm working on so many projects, theres just not enough hours in a day :(


Strong how? Caffeine? Robusta... Potent taste, I'd recommend a Robusta/Kenya blend ground at a Turkish grind (Fine as flour) put into an espresso machine one shot at a time until you get a cup. Drink that and YOU'll KNOW IT.