AEROLATTE Latte art Problem (with picture!)


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Sep 10, 2016
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Hey Guys! Above is my "Latte Art", and i can rarely do better!

A bit about my equipment: I use a tassimo T40 coffee machine to make the espresso (hence the slightly bigger bubbles) but my parents own a Nespresso machine which I also use occasionally and get the same results so I dont think its a result of a poor espresso. I use either whole or semi skimmed milk with same results. I use an AEROLATTE whisk with the milk at 65 Celcius (I have a thermometer)> I use the following milk jug from amazon (add the rest of link because i cant post links yet) then /gp/product/B01AUKBT9A/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 (600ml) which some might suggest is too large for ONE latte art but Ive done it for 2 with the same results.

SO what happens?! I pour the milk in the way ive seen so many videos: high to get under the crema and then i bring the jug to the surface of the coffee (while tilting the mug) but when I get close the milk DOESN'T spread out into the circles I see in the online videos, It just marks the surface slightly in a little horizontal line as seen in the picture and dives under the crema. Is this because my milk isnt stretched enough? Whenever i try to stretch it more it ends up being too thick like a cappuccino. I do swirl and sometimes pour the milk into another jug and then back to mix it before pouring but it doesnt help. The milk seems foamy it just wont mark the surface.

What makes the milk go out in the swirls I see online that would eventually make the Rosetta?

I've been trying for a few weeks now and not improving no matter how many videos I watch so Im really disheartened!

Please send me any suggestions :)

Hello TimM95

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

I'm curious.

Do any of the videos that you've been watching actually show someone successfully making latte art with milk that was foamed with an Aerolatte wand?

I didn't think it was possible for an Aerolatte to foam the milk to the consistency needed for latte art.

Hopefully someone else on this Forum has had some experience with it and can offer you some advice.

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Hello TimM95

Welcome to the Coffee Forums!

I'm curious.

Do any of the videos that you've been watching actually show someone successfully making latte art with milk that was foamed with an Aerolatte wand?

I didn't think it was possible for an Aerolatte to foam the milk to the consistency needed for latte art.

Hopefully someone else on this Forum has had some experience with it and can offer you some advice.


Hey :) thanks for reply! Check this youtube video /watch?v=-Fslq1PEMf8

let me know what you think