A Coffe that Tastes as Good as it Smells?


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Dec 8, 2012
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We all know people who don't like the taste of coffee -strange?- yet like the smell.
And I think we're also all aware that coffee tends to smell better than it actually tastes.
My question, in short: have any of you ever come across a coffee-type/method of brewing that produces a coffee which tastes just as good as it smells?

We all know people who don't like the taste of coffee -strange?- yet like the smell.
And I think we're also all aware that coffee tends to smell better than it actually tastes.
My question, in short: have any of you ever come across a coffee-type/method of brewing that produces a coffee which tastes just as good as it smells?


the coffee ground smells so good because you are inhaling the aromas from the environment into your nose, so you get 100% of entire chemicals (they say about 600 different chemicals) that combine to form its complex aroma.
but when you drink, the air comes out of your nasal passage and you breath out via your nose. meantime your saliva has killed about half of the chemicals, causing the flavor to change before we swallow it. also the you will have very different aroma when it comes out of your nasal passage rather than going in from outside.

anyway, to answer your question : have any of you ever come across a coffee-type/method of brewing that produces a coffee which tastes just as good as it smells?

regards to "coffee-type", I am not so sure exactly what you are referring to, but for the Methods, clever, pour over, french press, aero-press...they are all great if you have the right coffee and freshly grounded.

FYI, they said that Chocolate & Laventer's aromas are the only two that have same aromas either via nasal passage or going into to your nose from outside.
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OK coolio thanks. Well I know what the world needs. The world needs a coffee that tastes how it smells, 300 chemicals notwithstanding.
well.... then, get a Yuban or Folgers. they will smell how they taste. By the way, I do not think that is what the world needs now.... maybe 40 years ago, but not now.

I bought a cheap bag of artificially flavored coffee. Wow, did it ever smell good in the bag. Sweet caramel. But, I couldn't taste a thing when I drank it. I think that some of the artificial flavor chemicals that are added to coffee to give it an aroma, perform only that function, and somehow are completely unrelated to taste. I guess that'll teach me to buy the cheap stuff huh!
FYI, normally, flavored coffee beans are second and third rated cheap green beans. Since the coffee itself does not have much flavor, that is why the coffee companies are adding different flavors AFTER THEY ROAST green beans. So, please stay away.
I love good coffee. I sometimes drink bad coffee because it is my preferred method of ingesting caffeine. I am not proud that I drink bad coffee, but neither ashamed to admit I have a dependency on caffeine. I love specialty coffee and I love the aromas coffee gives off, especially the heady smell of an Italian/French roasted coffee as it's prepared for a shot of espresso. Does the incongruity of the intense aroma versus the beverage diminish my love of coffee? Not in the least. They are two aspects of the love I have for the bean, and that I share in common with the members of this forum. If you think people can only appreciate the beverage if the taste of it mimics the smell, by all means, I'm looking forward to what you might discover, unless, as Alex suggests, it's the taste if an inferior coffee mimicking the bean from whence it was brewed...in that case, I'm not a fan.
FYI, normally, flavored coffee beans are second and third rated cheap green beans. Since the coffee itself does not have much flavor, that is why the coffee companies are adding different flavors AFTER THEY ROAST green beans. So, please stay away.

Thanks for the information. I guess that explains some things... Probably instant coffee is made from second and thirds also. Wow, this forum is informative.