3 Group Rancilio, San Marino or Faema


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Mar 29, 2006
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Hi guys. Deciding on a new 3 group machine. Anyone used one or more of these machines.....
Rancilio is the classe 6
San Marino is the copper one you see at most cafe's and the WEGA i have no idea of.
What are the main differences apart from boiler size. We would really love a steamer that is ON/OFF lever rather than turn knob but we might be pushing it......
Any help would be sooooooo helpful
Didnt go for the Azkoyen?
Theyre all pretty good.

The Wega and the San MArino are both made by CMA.
The Rancillio is a good workhorse...
The Faema is a great machine.. but if youre going to buy it you will have trouble getting parts if youre not a Vittoria customer...
Faema parts are easy to get a hold of. Nouva Ricambi, Espresso Parts.com, Crossroads Espresso Services and if that doesn't work call any Cimbali rep. Cimbali owns Faema.
Unfortunately , in Australia its not the case.

theyre hard to get unless youre with vittoria Coffee., or you pay through the nose.
The San Marinos in Australia are remarkably well priced. Here is a website with Sydney Commercial kitchens> http://www.sydneycommercialkitchens.com ... coffee.htm . I know nothing about this company, but Chris Kay would surely be able to give you some more info. The 3 group is pretty resonably priced, with a oddly favourable repayment plan. To be honest, they must be doing pretty good good volumes with the prices quoted. Obviously you Aussies do not have the HR (training- people who use the machines- "my machines roken because I soaked the pump motor in kerosine") issues that create eadaches for me in Indonesia.
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Didnt go for the Azkoyen....Not sure if were staying with Gravity either. Found an amzing roaster who has a cafe in North Balwyn called Cafe Romeo. Its just beautiful coffee, they are so proud of what they do. Very small business but i think it good becasue its relatively unkown. They were in the Age Epicure 2 weeks ago. He offered a Rancillio CLasse 6 to loan us if we got his coffee for our cafe. So just trying to research which machine to get.....everyone is saying good things about all these machines. there must be something anoying about them
Alun the importers of the San Marino in Australia are
Saeco Australia ...
They also bring in the Saeco i think.. based out of Melbourne.. but with offices all over the country.