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  1. C

    discontinue loyalty cards?

    I've done some reading on this site about loyalty cards and people seem divided on whether to have them or not. Since I opened 2.5 years ago, I have had a 'buy 10 get one free' card for espresso drinks only. I don't offer any sort of card for brewed coffee. I am going on maternity leave...
  2. C

    Anyone near Terre Haute, IN want to fix a machine?

    I live near Terre Haute, IN and am having an issuse with a group head not working. I have tried everything I can think of, and completely frustrated. I have posted my issue before and have had no luck. Anyone live near this area who wants to try their hand at fixing the machine? I have a...
  3. C

    Desperate--two group heads, only one produces good shots

    I have a 2 group Iberital Espresso machine. One group head produces excellent shots. The other group head produces shots that are much darker and muddier looking, the stream seems thicker & frothier, and the pucks are consistently soupy. These shots are bitter tasting. Here's what I've...