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  1. C

    Revamped website

    Great looking site, And it was not slow on my end.
  2. C

    A Bran New Web Site Just up

    Thank You Guys for all the input! Much appreciated. I love coffee and I think that it is the most commenly drinked beverage across the world, correct? In fact I worked in the Alaska Seafood Ind. and without coffee I dont think i ever could have made it thru, So thank GOD for coffee!!!
  3. C

    A Bran New Web Site Just up

    yes that is correct its dot com. I guess I should have picked a better username for this forum....I was thinking of Spiffy Bean I dont think that one is taken.
  4. C

    A Bran New Web Site Just up

    Hey Guys, Im still working out the kinks but let me know what you think. Thank you