Search results

  1. R

    Chicago...coffeefest, coffee and tea shops

    I will be going to Chicago three times in the next 2 months on personal business. One of those visits will coinside with Coffeefest Chicago 2005. I have a few quick questions to anyone who knows Chicago or coffeefest Chicago. Since coffeefest is at the Navy Pier, what is traffic and parking...
  2. R

    WATER, Bottled or filtered

    Fairly new to the board, but long time observer. I am opening a espresso and tea cafe soon. Question, which is best for specialty coffee and teas? Bottled water or filtered water? Please elaborate a little with your answers. If there is a good web site that can educate me, let me know also...
  3. R

    city planning says no to drive thrus - HELP!

    Good Morning, The 'City' has decided to perform a major revision to the city planning and zoning regulation. As with most entities I welcome reviews of regulations as they are needed. Normally I wouldn't even give this much thought as I am not a landlord, and as a matter of fact I don't even...
  4. R

    promotional items - like clip art, large display items

    Good Morning, I am curious about promotional items that may be available to our industry. For example....are there any web pages with any clip art (coffee, espresso, cafe's, bakery, cold drinks, etc.) via the internet? I have seen at a few cafes/shops very large pottery (?) coffee cups that...
  5. R

    Starbucks reversed engineered

    Good Morning to all, I am new to this forum (love it) and I have a research question that I am sure either has already been performed and many of us have wondered ourselves. Let me also say that anything can be found on the internet, you just have to know where. So here goes.... Has anyone...
  6. R

    Starbucks reversed engineered

    Good Morning to all, I am new to this forum (love it) and I have a research question that I am sure either has already been performed and many of us have wondered ourselves. Let me also say that anything can be found on the internet, you just have to know where. So here goes.... Has anyone...
  7. R

    Starbucks reversed engineered

    Good Morning to all, I am new to this forum (love it) and I have a research question that I am sure either has already been performed and many of us have wondered ourselves. Let me also say that anything can be found on the internet, you just have to know where. So here goes.... Has anyone...