Search results

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    Codes and inspections?

    In my "real" job I deal with and interpret federal and state regs for a living and I know how convoluted some compliance issues can be (that's why I get paid) so... What regs in Tennessee apply to roasters? Are we treated like restaurants or are we regulated like food preparers, or are we...
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    Marking requirements for bagged coffee?

    Are there any particular marking requirements for bagged coffee for shelf sales? I have assumed that it does not need the typical food product nutritional markings but is there anything else that is required?
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    TOPER v. Diedrich v. Ambex

    Looking for a small (~30lb batch size) roaster. The three companies in the subject seem to be the most commonly available in the US. Can anyone give some pros/cons of each manufacturer in this size range?
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    Green Bean Cost questions

    First let me say that I know there are variations in the commodities markets that will effect prices, and I know that buying container loads will lower costs. That said, What range of prices can a small startup roaster operation expect to pay for green beans in lots from 100lbs to 1000lbs...