Search results

  1. ElPugDiablo

    There is a first for everything

    A lady wobbled into the shop and broke her water. We got the fire truck and ambulance blocked up the entire block for 30 mintues. Are firemen trained for such thing? Oh, she didn't buy anything.
  2. ElPugDiablo

    Espresso Italiano Roasting

    There is a new electronic book called Espresso Italiano Roasting. It is available in the link below. Anyone here read it? I just bought my copy but have not have a chance to read it. ... tent/books
  3. ElPugDiablo

    GrainPro bags

    Anyone know where I can buy GrainPro SuperGrainbags? Called the company, and I got voice mail and no call back.
  4. ElPugDiablo

    In Defense of Decaf

    An article that is critical of Swiss Water, Vancouver, Canada. ... caff-1.php
  5. ElPugDiablo

    A robusta apostle and crema is rubbish

    Two very interesting links. ... 77425.html wonder what Joseph John will say about cremaless espresso? I just tested two singles and two doubles, with and without crema, all I can say is my head is...
  6. ElPugDiablo

    What's in your coffee?

    Heard this on NPR a few days ago.
  7. ElPugDiablo

    Coffee Kiosk in a mall?

    A very nice young lady came in today wanting to see if I would consider doing a coffee kiosk, maybe with seating, in one of her company's malls. The location is at the front entrance of their anchoring tenant, Target. This particular Target is suppose to be one of the busiest in the entire...
  8. ElPugDiablo

    How to combat a tanking economy

    why with sex of course. Some dude in Maine is opening a topless coffee shop. Road trip! ... ntroversy/
  9. ElPugDiablo

    PR: 2008 Best of Connecticut Coffee Bar

    That will be the pug meister ... 5995&rfi=6
  10. ElPugDiablo

    Drinking Coffee May Extend Life ... 6005.shtml,2933,367862,00.html In an effort to reduce the load on our over burdened social security system I am switching to soda and joint the dead forum if you ask me...maybe tea then
  11. ElPugDiablo

    Aged Sumatra

    Any suggestion on how to roast aged Sumatra? And what flavor and aroma should be ideal? Thanks.
  12. ElPugDiablo

    great review for topher's Cool Breeze Colombian

    Congrats :) :) :)
  13. ElPugDiablo

    For those of you who need the trendiest menu ideas...

    Coffee-beer :grin: A drink somewhere between coffee and beer could soon be on the menu. Nestec, part of the Nestlé empire in Switzerland, has filed patents in every major market round the world on a "fermented coffee beverage" that pours and foams like beer, but smells of strong coffee and...
  14. ElPugDiablo

    leaky drum

    I've an older IR-12 that was leaking beans in front, so I moved the drum forward, now it has a 1/8" gap which is what Diedrich's web site's recommondation. But now it is leaking beans thru the back, sometimes a lot, other times very little, and it doesn't matter if it's the first batch or not...
  15. ElPugDiablo

    What happened to c market on Monday?

    Why the 8 cents drop? Any future guru here?
  16. ElPugDiablo

    La Tacita

    Anyone has the contact info for Falla Imports?
  17. ElPugDiablo

    Is Mazzer Kony available in the U.S.?

    If yes, anyone know much about it? Thanks.
  18. ElPugDiablo

    Anyone roasts with Probat L5?

    Hi all, please share your opinion with me on Probat L5. Does the Probat L5 different much from the older 5 kilo Probat roasters? I was told the older Probat roasters are virtually indestrutable, but what about L5?