Search results

  1. omegapd

    "Other" Hawaiian beans?

    Hey All, A buddy of mine sent me a couple of bags of Maui coffee beans and one of Kauai he roasted himself. The beans in all 3 are very small, almost like a peaberry, and don't have much in common (to my tastes) to their more well known brother, Kona. Very much inferior, actually. I'm...
  2. omegapd

    Coffee "connoisseurs"...

    Hey All, A recent thread by cartoons10 about MJB coffee got me to thinking... How many of the true connoisseurs here still have a favorite, inexpensive, grocery store type coffee? If not, do you just forego coffee when eating out at restaurants or what do you do? Personally, I still have a...
  3. omegapd

    Those one way valve bags...

    Hey All, I've noticed that if you take a bag of coffee- say the typical stuff like Millstone's or Starbucks from the grocery store in the one way valve bags- and put them in the freezer, in a day or so the bags get very hard, almost like a vacuum brick of coffee. Any idea what causes that...