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    home coffee growing

    Has anyone tried to grow their own coffee plant in addition to roasting and grinding ones own? My green thumb sister just pointed it out to me and i was wondering if any of the coffee lovers on these forums have tried this before.
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    Smoked coffee?!?

    I found this the other day online and i was wondering if anyone had tried this new type of coffee and what they thought of it. the Web address is right here.
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    blade grinder faux pas

    One time when i was away, someone used my blade grinder to grind fresh spices without my knowledge. Now, i am wondering how to get the flavor and scent out of the grinder so i can still use it without having to spend on a new one. Any help would be appreciated
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    Tried press pot coffee a couple times the other day...

    and man, it was RICH!! So rich, I did not know what to make of it at first so i went back and tried a breakfast blend. The flavor was so complex and strong i was initially turned off but i realized that this was how coffee was supposed to taste and that I was getting all the flavors of the beans...
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    Check this out

    On this forum we often talk about the best coffee (best roast,grind, bean, etc) but what about those of us that are stuck with the bad stuff due to our family's bad taste or the fact that the bad stuff is cheaper. I recently found a clip on YouTube that says that if you are stuck with crap then...
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    Black Fly Coffee

    Has anyone tried Black fly coffee? It is very strong and the slogan they have is particularly apt (for the buzz that won't go away) You can find it at select gift shops in the state of Maine or you can attend the blueberry festival in Machias for a smple of this supercaffienated coffee.
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    Quick Question

    If one were to have a bag of coffee beans but no grinder, what would work in a grinder's place?
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    Black Coffee

    I drink my coffee black but when i do people look at me as though i were an alien. Seems like according to them coffee is only good with lots of cream and sugar. How can i convince them otherwise?