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  1. E

    How to research whether a coffee shop has potential/need?

    I'd like to do some due dilligence and pre-search whether opening a coffee shop in location x will have demand. How can i research/measure the demand?
  2. E

    How to make better coffee than your competitor?

    What is good coffee? How can I make better coffee than my competitor? Where to not-cheap-out is what I'm trying to ask.. Should I include more coffee? Grind the beans before I make the coffee? Or what tips & tricks do you recommend that will result in a better tasting coffee?
  3. E

    Looking for Promotional Concepts That Work

    I''m in the process of extensive due dilligence work, i''ve been reading a lot of posts and have one concrete question thus far. What are some promotional concepts that worked well for your coffee shop business to bring customers to you? Thanks
  4. E

    Opening a coffee shop

    Hello, I''m from Serbia and want to open a coffeeshop here that serves American coffee. Can someone please help with budgeting? maybe show me sample budget of what goes into a coffee shop budget. Thanks