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  1. N

    Coffee Tables

    Hi, If there's anyone from London or the South of England out there who is starting up a high quality coffee house and wants a quote for coffee tables, that is what I make. Visit to have a look at my work. Mods, I read the rules carefully before posting my url...
  2. N


    Where's the last interesting place anyone had a great cup of coffee? For myself, it was La Grande Place, Brussels on New Years Eve. My wife, myself, my daughter and her petit amis decided to do something different this year and hopped on the Eurostar to Brussels. I had a great cup of cream...
  3. N


    Hi, I''m a newbie to this forum but one who can''t do any work in the morning until I''ve kick started myself with a very large cup of coffee and a couple of cigarettes. Anyone else the same?