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  1. S

    Baby Gaggia Twin...Replace with Rancilio Silvia?

    Hi, So I bought a Baby Gaggia Twin about a month ago...... however, I've been having some problems with it..Mainly with the steaming. I know that the Gaggia steam is not very good in the first place....but mine has gotten worse...Last night i couldnt even bring my milk up to temperature let...
  2. S

    Coffee Tamper Size...

    Hi, so my new baby gaggia twin..amazing machine but comes with a horrible horrible little plasitc tamper... First thing on my list is to get a new one.... I am thinking a heavy stainless steel with flat bottom? Jst wondering tho, in the description for this machine, it says it has a 58mm...
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    Espresso...volume and time

    Hi, So as my previous post says, I just purchased a baby gaggia twin... my last post was a little panicked and unclear....Now that i have done some research i have calmed down a little and now understand that its going to take a little time to learn how to do it properly. Just some starting...
  4. S

    New Baby Gaggia and sunbeam idea tho :S:S

    Hi, So after months of toying with the idea, I finally purchased the Baby Gaggia Twin and the Sunbeam EM0480 Grinder. I powered it up and followed all the instructions but I jst cant get it happpening. I get nearly no flow coming thru....jst a few drips of very very oily coffee. I should...
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    Pleeeaase help!!

    Hi, Im trying to decide what coffee machine to get.... I started with with instant, then went to using fresh beans and a french press, then i''ve bought a filter coffee machine (which is what im using now). I''ve found that I can get just as nice a cup of coffee out of a filter machine than...
  6. S

    Which coffee?

    Hi, I''ve always been an ''instant'' coffee drinker. For a few months, I got really busy at work and was on the road all day. So I started buying ''take out'' coffee from the usual chains, starbucks etc... So from then i jst couldnt go back to instant...then i started getting very picky with...