Search results

  1. M

    The perfect Iced Tea

    Forgive me folks for veering a little to the north. Northeast, that is. I'm talking about my love for Iced Tea in the summer. Here in Maine we've finally found Spring! The grass and the trees and the flowers are out of control. It's a flora explosion! Having grown up in So. California, I never...
  2. M

    Alien Abduction - A javahead serial ...

    ... coming soon to a theater near you! This is a story that began this past weekend, as three intrepid wanderers from journeyed to the 2008 SCAA Show in Minneapolis. Topher, CCafe and Stevekessler embarked upon a pilgrimage that was wrought with unexpected happenstance...
  3. M

    Coffee Roasters, what coffee do you use as a base ...

    ... for the application of flavors. NCSicilian is a new member expressing frustration about all the 'purists' out there who poo-poo the idea of selling flavored coffees and flavored beans in their businesses. Mr. Sicilian wants a straight answer to the question, "...what bean to use for...
  4. M

    In search of an exceptional decaf

    I am looking for some good advice on what should be an exceptional decaffeinated coffee. I don't want just an acceptable one. I need something that will grab some attention and delight in a cupping, before anybody knows it's decaf. I am impressed with the amount of coffee knowledge that exists...