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  1. M

    Black coffee

    Thx for saring with such useful info
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    Coffee Making Me Nauseous

    I know me too when I drink it before having a breakfast
  3. M

    Tea or coffee?

    Is tea can be in some cases better than coffee and why?
  4. M

    Espresso Machine - Help Required

    try to go to the service, I think it will be difficult to fix it yourself
  5. M

    How to Find Affordable Coffee Makers: Focus on These Four Points

    thank you, I was just looking, the only question is the number of cups, I don't know how many I need
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    Caffeine is good for you!

    it's true, after a cup of coffee, my body revives again, coffee really makes me feel better,but for those who have heart problems, it is better if they try matcha or tea, I read in the article ( )that it ensures heart health,and...
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    Tell me what's your fav coffee buddy?

    Banana milk latte
  8. M

    High Blood Pressure

    my blood pressure rises if I combine it with sports I'm not very young, but I really like coffee and I understand that at my age I need to take care of myself, so after my workout ( I have to wait to drink a fragrant cup of coffee with...
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    Are pregnant women really not allowed to drink coffee? WHY??

    I don't know, it's all very individual, you can drink without caffeine or then ask a doctor
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    Is coffee good or bad for my health?

    Do you think coffee can cause anxiety?sometimes I have anxiety after coffee, I read on online pharmacy that it can be from caffeine, I really like coffee and now I don't know what to do
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    weak coffee

    It sounds like you may need to adjust your brewing method. Try using hotter water, a longer brewing time, or increasing the amount of coffee grounds.
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    How many cups of coffee should you drink a day?

    it depends on my day, sometimes I can drink 3 cups if I have a lot of work