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  1. Blossom

    It's ashame this isn't a very active site ugh

    It's ashame this isn't a very active site ugh
  2. Blossom

    Hello Coffee Lovers !

    Hello , Thank you for stopping by my "introduction " thread A "Hello" would have been nice lol
  3. Blossom

    Hello Coffee Lovers !

    Yes i am a "Coffeeholic" I admit it hehe I enjoy all types of coffee flavors /blends This looks like a fun site ....... brb i need another cup of coffee :coffee::coffee: Have a Coffeelicious day ! Blossom
  4. Blossom

    Wishing everyone a "Coffeelicious " Day ! :coffee: :coffee:

    Wishing everyone a "Coffeelicious " Day ! :coffee: :coffee:
  5. Blossom

    What do you love most about coffee?

    I like a strong flavored coffee .........smell & taste yummmm
  6. Blossom

    How many cups of coffee should you drink a day?

    Sometimes 3 cups but usually only 2 cups very early in the morning !
  7. Blossom

    Why you shouldn't drink iced coffee

    awww i luv ice coffee .......especially the "cold brew "
  8. Blossom

    What do you like to EAT with your coffee?

    Coffee usually is my dessert ! but sometimes i have some biscotti's
  9. Blossom

    Coffee Slogans

  10. Blossom

    Milk choices ?

    I put some Premier Protein Caramel Shake in my coffee ........sometimes Vanilla flavor Also just cream sometimes ! Oh and also whipcream is good
  11. Blossom

    New Member

    I am new here too ...... Welcome to the site !
  12. Blossom

    Absent for a while

    I am new here but would like to wish you a "Welcome Back "
  13. Blossom

    🔥 Hot! What Coffee did you drink today?

    Oh wow very friendly ! I have trouble sharing my coffee so i will make you a cup
  14. Blossom

    🔥 Hot! What Coffee did you drink today?

    Hello everyone , I had this morning a Tim Horton French Vanilla K-cup I usually use the k-cups Probably have 2 more later on