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  1. K

    Rancilio Silva v6 vs rancilio Silva pro x

    I’m currently in the process of purchasing my first espresso machine. I’ve narrowed it down to two options a rancilio v6 that I would fit with auber pid with pre infusion or a rancilio pro x. I am the only coffee drinker in the house and plan on strictly drinking oat milk cortados...
  2. K

    Help needed: Buying advice first purchase w/ two setups I’m considering

    Thank you! I’m currently weighing the options between the Rancilio Pro X $1,800 and base model with PID (1,100). Have you noticed much of a difference between the two machines?
  3. K

    Help needed: Buying advice first purchase w/ two setups I’m considering

    Good evening, I am looking to get some advice around purchasing my first espresso set up. This setup is for light home use about 2-3 drinks per day. I usually drink a americano or cortado in the morning and a cortado or flat white in the afternoon. I haven't developed a preference to dark...