Search results

  1. G

    Renting A Machine

    After many years of lovign coffee, I've decided to take the plunge and open my own shop. I'd be looking to use a gaggia or illy machine. I've heard there are deals whereby if you commit to using a certain brand of coffee e.g. lavazza or illy, that they will rent to you cheaply or free of charge...
  2. G

    Bad coffee and nausia

    I was just served (and consumed) some what tasted like old over oxidised, over extracted and over roasted coffee. Can such coffee actually make you sick or is this just something physcological? Coffee snobbery? Anyone experienced something similar before? if so; whats the best cure for it...
  3. G

    Everyday Blend

    Here in the UK where instant coffee is the norm, I'm trying to get people to opt for the freshness of ground coffee. I'm looking to create a blend which isn't too full bodied for the every day drinker. I'd also like it to have some nutty tones to it (if possible). I've exerimented a little now...
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    Other Way Round

    I'm selling small quantities of coffee, which I've roasted myself. When coffee is roasted, you're meant to wait 2 days before cupping it right? If I roast coffee and grind it right away(before it's ready to be cupped), will anything bad happen too the coffee? would it be better to wait 2...
  5. G

    Is it the Beans or the Grinder?

    I've got a cruisant burr grinder, which unfortunatley as stated before by other people in other posts, grinds 10% of coffee up very finely. This has in the past caused me to over-extract the coffee, leaving a bitter taste. meaning I have to ad lots of sugar, as oposed to none at all. I...
  6. G

    Crusinart Grinder

    I recently invested in a Crusinart Burr grinder. My cafetiere recently broke so I steeped some very coarsly ground coffee in a cup and poured it through a sieve. Everything seemed to be finem as if the seive had collected all the coffee grounds. Finishing my drink, I found an awful lot of...
  7. G

    The Roasting Of Coffee

    Am I correct in believing that coffee is NEVER roasted before it enters the country in which it will be sold? Surely if it was it would loose freshness. If somebody claimed that whilst working in the Harbours of New York, they could smell coffee, from ships that had for example come from Brazil...
  8. G


    I've had a grinder now for around 1 month and I think I'm going to give roasting a go. Can I buy green beans in blends (ie. espresso), or can they only be purchased in single origin. If they can only be purchased single origin could somebody please give me an idea of origin quantities for an...
  9. G

    Is there something wrong with me?

    I tend to drink anything from 1 - 4 cups of coffee a day and to be honest I don't really feel much effect from coffee. I can be slumped over my desk in the morning coffee or no coffee. This has been the situation since I started drinking around 3 years ago. To top it all off, We ran out of...
  10. G

    Illy's take on the french press

    I was just browsing through Illy's website and it claims that when using the french press, the coffee should be pressed straight away and that there's no need to leave it. This is the complete opposite of what I believed, is there any truth in it? The article can be found here...
  11. G

    Non Espresso, Espresso Drinks

    I'm going to be running a small coffee stand at a church fundraising event. Unfortunately my espresso machine isn't big enough to cater for the ammount of people it would need to do so. So I was thinking would espresso based drinks such as cappuccinos mochas and lattes still taste good if...
  12. G

    Instant Capuccino

    I have recently come across a new line of "coffee"; instant capuccino, mocha and espresso. I personally find this pretty disturbing as it's simply leading customers into thinking they're purchasing something they're not. Whilst doing this, Kenco (the people producing the line of coffee) like to...
  13. G

    Storing Coffee

    How should ground coffee be stored. Some people say a cool dry place, others a fridge and others a freezer. All these are conflicting and it's confusing for a learner like me. Can somebody help me?
  14. G


    My coffee grinder has just broken, and i'm going to need a new one. The old one was purchased as a gift, so i know absolutley nothing about what i should be paying for a decent grinder. Could anyone suggest a machine that wil do the job but wont cost the earth. I'm not nescsserily looking for...
  15. G


    I've began roasting my own beans and I'm looking to create a smooth everyday coffee blend that can be usd in a french press. It seems that a lot of pre-packaged coffee is 10% robusta 90% arabica. Is the robusta added for flavour or is it to keep costs down. Would you suggest adding some rubusta...
  16. G

    Packaging Coffee

    I'm due to start a small coffee roasting operation in which I'll be roasting, grinding then selling coffe to friends and family . Does anyone know of a method in which i can airtightly package coffee? How do you roasters do it?
  17. G

    the real deal

    I recently purchased some Jamaican Blue Mountian at £8.97 GBP per 100g (around $18 USD) from my local roaster, however I'm sure it's been mixed with cheaper beens of similar colour ect. The taste is slightly strong for Jamaican Blue Mountian, and it doesn't compare to the the JBM I had some...
  18. G

    Instant Coffee

    I realise that instant coffe realy isn't nice! Is this simply due to the fact that low quality beens are used or does the process get rid of all the good flavour? If instant coffee was made with some high quality beens (what a waste that would be), would it still taste like rubbish?
  19. G

    Espresso in a thermos

    The coffee at work is rubbish and i'm an espresso drinker. If I put espresso in a thermos will it go bitter or lose it's crema? I'd probably only put in around 5 shots which would fill up very little of the thermos and this would leave around 1.75 litres of air for the espresso to oxidise with...
  20. G

    De Longhi, Cafe Treviso.

    I'm thinking about purchasing a relitively cheap espresso machine. It's a De Longhi, Cafe Treviso. It costs £50.00 which will be just under $100.00 USD. Is it worth the money, or will it just be a complete waste of cash! It's just a temporary thing until I can afford something decent. Would you...
  21. G

    Layered Latte

    I recently visited a cafe and ordered a layered latte! You're all probably aware of what one is, but how do I make one?
  22. G

    Used Coffee

    I seem go trough an awful lot of coffee! After using my french press 4 times a day and pulling endless shots of espresso for me and my friends, there's usually at least 500g of used coffee to do something with. What can I do with all of this used coffee? There must be some good use for all of...
  23. G

    Stove Top

    I normally recieve large quantaties of flavoured coffee as presents. Yuk Yuk, it normally ends up on the grass! This year somebody got me a nice set of two espresso cups, a can of illy coffee and a stovetop espesso maker. As for the stovetop, it realy does seem like a very interesting device...
  24. G

    The Monkey Bean

    It's quite possible that you'll find this both very stupid and funny! A couple of years ago, before i knew that there was more to coffee than Nescafe instant, a friend convinced me that there was a "Monkey Bean" Acording to himself; Monkeys are trained to eat coffee beans which exist at high...
  25. G

    Coffee Snobbery

    A couple of weeks ago I was at a cafe and asked for a freshly brewed coffee, I watched and expected something to come from a drip filter of a cafetiere. Regardless of this I was presented with an Americano! I proceeded to go crazy, and caused a huge fuss. My other half told me that this was...
  26. G

    Going Back

    If I had a cofee blend such as Lavazza''s or Illy''s how would I find out exactly what beans have been used and the quantaties used? I''m asking this question because i prefer certain charactaristics of Lavazza''s blend, whilst I prefer certain aspects of Illy''s, and I''d be tempted to add a...
  27. G


    For around 10 years I''ve been running a specialist tea house in the UK. I''m hoping to introduce coffee soon. As of present I''m researching coffee in depth and I cant seem to find the answer to the question ''If beans were to be arranged in strength order, what would the list look like.''