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  1. B

    Shots of turkish coffee

    I made some as best I could with the tools I had at home. I wanted to try it out before buying the hand grinder and little pot to make it. I was quite surprised. It tasted really good. First time I added the teaspoon of sugar it called for, but was wayyyy to sweet. Second cup I made with no...
  2. B

    Vacuum Seal vs. Coffee

    Hey I have one of those vacuum sealing machines. Little plastic bags you can stick food in and the machine sucks all the air out and melts the plastic closed. I bought some freshly roasted coffe, made just that day, and selaed them up. The bag shrunk down so toghtly against the whole beans...
  3. B

    Calorie count of an espresso

    I saw something about calorie counts of some coffees in another thread and it prompted me to ask. Whats the calorie count of your average single espresso? No sugor no cream, just a sing shot espresso. What other nutritional or fat values does it have? Just curious. Thanks!
  4. B

    "Cooking" coffe with dehydrater

    I have someone insisting that you can cook coffee bean with a dehydrator. The fan in the dehydrator puts out mildly heated air, like a hair dryer on the lowest possible setting. It works great on my fruits, but I don't believe that works to cook coofee because isnt the point of roasting coffee...
  5. B

    Bad Espresso - what went wrong?

    There is a coffer shop on my way to work that makes the yummiest espressos i have ever had. The last two days a new girl was working the late afternoon when i stopped on my way home. The espressos she made me were gawd awful! I have no p robalem with a little sediment at the bottom of the...