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  1. C

    Starbux Coffees

    Hi All! Just a little note. I do not make great coffees at home. I buy from local coffee shops. I plan on opening a coffee cart in the late summer. My question (not knowing any better) is why does Starbux have such fluxuating quality? Chain and all that, I thought they were highly trained? We...
  2. C

    POS System for Coffee Carts

    Hi All! I am in the planning stages of opening a coffee cart and I was wondering which POS system is the best? I know price is a big factor. I am looking at the Mocha Package from Coffee Shop Manager which includes everything needed and more for about $6,000. It looks well thought out and...
  3. C

    Opening Day Specials

    Hi All! Another question: What would you recommend for an opening day special to let the campus (including staff) know about a try the new coffee shop? Discounts? Free samples? Or something else? I want to get EVERYBODY by the cart!!! Thanks!!
  4. C

    Happy Chick Coffee

    Hi All! Just wondering what everybody thinks of the name I have for a planned coffee cart "Happy Chick Coffee.' It's going to be inside a local community college with an over 6,000 daily demographic. Will the name be a put off to the guys or can I play it off? Thanks for any input!
  5. C

    New Coffee Shop Name

    Hi - I''m in the planning stages to open a coffee cart/kiosk at the local community college in August. What I need is a name. Nothing too formal, but also not too flimsy. This college has a split demographic of 18-21 and 30-50. I would like a fun hopefully one word name, not more than two (not...