Search results

  1. M

    Which Coffee do you like most?

    I like Dunkin Donuts Original for everyday coffee consumption. Death Wish for those days I need an extra kick, then maybe some Mountain Thunder Kona coffee for a day I want some extra flavor. I'm starting to expand my preferences and knowledge of coffee, so this list is by no means exhaustive of...
  2. M

    My favorite dessert with my coffee is...

    Stroopwafel from the Netherlands. Great for dipping.
  3. M

    What do you love most about coffee?

    The variety of flavors found in many different kinds of coffee is my favorite thing but my second-favorite is the energy boost I get from my favorite caffeinated beverage. Caffeine keeps me going throughout the day and I have learned to appreciate the many flavors of specialty coffee.
  4. M


    Hello all! First things first, I've been drinking coffee since I was twelve years old. Now, twelve years later I still love the taste of coffee with cream and a little sugar, but I've been broadening my horizons and trying new coffee as part of my coffee blog recently. I also started trading...
  5. M

    How did you hear about

    I was just looking for coffee forums online via Google search and I came across Pretty standard way to find it I guess.