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    Roast Logs

    Below is a link for a download for a manual roast log I developed while we were laying out our PC based data-logger. I tried to design it so that a roaster could more easily manage to manually collect data when profiling. ... g_v1.1.pdf Once you have...
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    Roasters Gathering Oct. 25-26

    Gulf Coast Roasters October Gathering October 25, 26 2008 Clearwater, Fl. Friday October 24 Event Location 8:00pm-10:30pm Dinner & Sake Tasting Blowfish Sushi Bar Saturday October 25 8:00 am-9:00am Breakfast Brighthouse Field 9:00am-12:30am SCAA Sensory Skills Class Cert. Test...
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    coffee technical, business articles

    Ambex has posted a series of articles on coffee on our website. These deal with a wide range of subjects including but not limited to: bean probes, profile roasting, PID settings, technological developments at origin, in packaging, and in roasting as well as research being conducted on coffee...