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  1. B

    Blueberry in my Ethiopian ?

    Ok, so for years i heard about this wonderful blueberry taste in the Ethiopian Harrar but never tasted it. Till about a month and a half ago i was starting to think i must not have a very good taster or something as i was just not getting it. Then on a trip to Idaho awhile back i thought id give...
  2. B

    How long should the coffee de-gas before cupping / serving ?

    Hey gang, Me again here with another question that may have the most simple of answers but i seem to get alot of different views about it from different sources. How long after roasting should you let the coffee de-gas before cupping / serving ? Does it differ with Espresso due to the...
  3. B

    At what temps do you drop your green into your roaster ?

    Hey gang, Well im new here and im new to roasting. Im roasting on a Diedrich IR-3. I have read throught the Kenneth Davids books, my Diedrich manual, some older roasting logs and little bits of stuff i can get in magazines and here online. Seems everybody has a slightly different way of doing...