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    💵 For Sale FOR SALE: Coffee Chaff Cyclone Collector

    Is this still available and is it in the USA?
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    Hi fellow roasters, this is my first time

    You can try websites like and maybe BUCKEYE coffee roasters. Both have used ones from time to time. Coffee Tec always has some but not always small ones. Also sometimes Craigslist
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    What Software do you use to Manage your Coffee Roasting Business?

    Artisan Plus. Handles all your inventory and Artisan handles all profiling. Best people to work with and best support . Get 3 months free trial .
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    Book of Roast

    Any updates or reviews on the book yet? I have read it has articles on making a business plan, and everything from growing to harvesting and roasting and brewing and selling. (But that was pretty much the review Roast Magazine gave it) What are the actual reviews from real people in the...
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    BC Roasters? Anyone have experience with these?

    Machine looks brand new! Great shape! Thanks for all the details!
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    Describe your Coffee in one word?

    LOVE (Website said I did not use enough letters- But L O V E covers it all)
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    Hi from Costa Rica

    Looks pretty Good! - I need a cup of great Costa Rica!
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    What is appropriate price for used Buckeye coffee roaster?!

    The Arizona Plus roasters are at least 3-4 years old. The new price was $4999 (for the AZ 1.5 PLUS). If it is a gas model in really good shape It could go for as high as $3500. If it is electric I would be very cautious as these have issues after a few years. One way to check how well it has...