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  1. J

    Benefits of Roasting

    Hi all, I like the idea of Roasting my own coffee beans at home. Is it easy to get started? Does it often provide an improved coffee taste? Thanks, J
  2. J

    Basket Type

    Hi everyone, Have been told that I should think about getting a basket for my coffee machine with a crema valve instead of the unpressurized basket, are they better? Cheers, Joosh Delonghi EC146
  3. J

    Oil on Coffee Surface: Help Please

    Hey everyone, Quite new to the coffee game, but this has started happening over the last few days with my morning brews. Not sure what it causing it. Using a Delonghi EC146 machine, with fairly strong coffee beans through a blade grinder. Not changed beans recently, and haven't had this...
  4. J

    Hello! Newbie here...

    Hi guys, I'm new to the home coffee passion game, got an extremely basic set up at the moment: - Delonghi EC146 with Filter Basket - Blade Grinder (...Aldi specialbuy) Probably will be improving this in the very near future! Joosh