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  1. G

    Creative Start-Up Capital Ideas

    Obviously there is the “borrow the moneyâ€
  2. G

    Linens, Laundry...

    Do most shops wash their own towels, aprons, floor mats (a place to wipe your feet during bad weather) or hire the task out? And at what cost? Thanks everyone!
  3. G

    Typical cost per sale?

    For a shop selling a mix of expresso drinks, drip and assorted other goodies such as pastries, muffins, mints, (with slow bean sales anticipated at first) would a typical cost per sale be? I was planning $3, but a local owner suggested to me that's too low. Thanks!
  4. G

    What are typical pay ranges???

    I'm working on a business plan and I need to know what the typical titles and pay ranges are for coffee house employees, including any bonuses or incentives, benefits, etc. The location is a medium sized city be in the mid-west, and I plan to have a tip jar for the baristas. Thanks in Advance!
  5. G

    Seeking advice in getting started

    A question for those of you who have started a coffee business. First a bit of background. I am contemplating starting a coffee business. What I have in mind is a sit-down coffee-house serving espresso based drinks (and a typical variety of other drinks) and perhaps some pastries, bagels, etc -...