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  1. J

    Sinner Coffee Company Discount

    I would like to extend my coffee to the forum at an amazing discount to continue the started dialog about my brand. enter this code for 50% off I've tried the link and it automatically applies the discount. It is limited to one...
  2. J

    Advise Please: Looking for honest opinions about our company name

    I posted earlier about my new blend of coffee my daughter and I made. It is in the buy and sell section. What I am looking for is honest opinions about the name. If you read the story and see the website, then give feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Re-branding isn't fun but now would be the time.
  3. J

    Our new coffee and the story behind our choice for a company name

    New to the forum but I wanted to get our brand out. I hope this is allowed. My daughter and I really enjoyed mornings with coffee and conversation. She left to college in Logan Utah where she roomed with 5 girls very Mormon. They expressed anger and judgement towards her for drinking coffee...